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Friday, June 13, 2014

Night Time Rejuvenating Serum

Wrinkles are a normal part of aging. With age, the skin's inner layer, called the dermis, begins to thin and the skin loses some of its stretchiness and structure. The skin also starts to lose its ability to hold on to moisture, makes less oil and is slower to heal, contributing to the wrinkling process.

Holly Draper, Certified Medical Aromatherapist, has formulated our Night Time Rejuvenating Serum, a natural anti-aging solution. Made with medicinal quality organic essential oils, this serum can turn aging skin around. This unique and powerful anti-aging blend is rejuvenating, restorative and will provide healing to scars, rashes and other skin issues.

Night Time Rejuvenating Serum is a thick moisturizing serum. Apply to the face at bedtime and leave it on. Due to the high content of organic essential oils in this blend, be careful to not get this in your eyes. You will see the restoring effects of this serum in just a few uses. Your skin will feel younger and more resilient to face what the day has in store for you.

Click HERE for ingredient information and an informative video.

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