- Sleep Well - Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night is the most natural way to balance your hormones. People who are sleep deprived have poor judgement and their memory is degraded, making it more difficult to perform daily tasks. Do what you need to do to make sleep a priority.
- Light Exercise - Relaxing forms of exercise can reduce stress and increase energy, improving your physical and mental health. Try walking, swimming, gardening or even sitting on a balance ball while you watch TV or work at the computer.
- Change your diet - Caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners disrupt the glands that help you deal with stress. Toxins in pesticides and plastics contain hormone disrupting chemicals that keep your body from making good hormones. Although you can't change your entire diet overnight, choose one area where you can improve and start there.
- Apply Hormone Balance Blend - This essential oil blend, formulated with medicinal quality certified organic essential oils, gently brings your hormones into balance. This blend costs less than synthetic medicines and is not harmful to your liver. It will regulate your cycle and bring relief to symptoms caused by PMS and Menopause. To apply, rub a drop onto your abdomen to relieve cramping and treat menorrhagia (heavy bleeding). You can use the chart below to apply daily to pulse points in your wrists and feet to balance your hormones and bring relief to other symptoms such as hot flashes. While you are applying the oil, take a few minutes to breathe it in deeply.

"I just wanted to share that I had been taking a competitor's hormone balancer (ClaryCalm) for over a year without any noticeable difference. I had been spotting between periods, and having them close together (every 2-3 weeks), and they would last 7 days. On the FIRST MONTH that I used the hormone balance, I had NO spotting, and my period came at 30 days and lasted only 3 days. I was amazed at the immediate difference! Thanks, Holly, for your help." ~ Adrianna
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