“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s holiday time. Tomorrow many of us will gather with friends and family. Where gratitude and thankfulness fill our hearts.
Stopping to give seasonal thanks is a wonderful thing, but what’s even better is practicing gratitude year round. In fact, studies show that consistent positive interactions, particularly ones that involve gratitude, increase happiness and decrease depression.
So, what are the gratitude techniques research says help alleviate depression?
Here are 7 that can help you all year!
2) Three good things - Write down three things that had gone well for you this week and an explanation why those things happened.
3) Using signature strengths in a new way – Use one of your best strengths in a new way every week.
4) Three funny things - Write down three funny things you experienced or did this week - and an explanation why those things happened.
5) Counting kindness - Count and report the acts of kindness you offer every day. Or the ones you receive every day.
6) Gift of time - Offer at least three ‘‘gifts of time’’ by contacting/meeting three persons about whom you care about each week.
7) One door closes, another door opens - Write about a moment in your life this week when a negative event led to unforeseen positive consequences.
So, why do these gratitude experiences boost happiness and alleviate depression? The insight and reflection of counting these moments is what makes the practice of gratitude so powerful. But the key to combating depression is making these positive experiences part of the fabric of your life.
You don’t have to do all of these techniques. Do some. Or one. Just get out there and be grateful.
Click here to see the essential oils that can help battle depression.
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