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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What's In Your Skincare?

Most skin care products are heavily based on alcohols. Alcohols impair healthy skin function, drying out the skin and clogging pores. When was the last time you looked at the ingredients label on your skincare? If you look at the ingredients and there is one or more ingredients that end in -alcohol,then it is an alcohol based product. If one of these products is in the first five ingredients, you definitely don't want to be putting it on your skin.

Does your skin care last for longer than 60 days? If it does, then sadly, it is FULL of harsh synthetic preservatives. You don't want preservatives on your skin. Preservatives go down into your pores and will stick there for months. They release formaldehyde and other toxic poisons into your bloodstream and throw your hormones out of balance. Do you ever feel emotional unexpectedly or experience big mood swings? Preservatives can cause our emotions to become unstable.

Purify Skin Therapy skin care line is fresh, made to order. It is specially formulated to be ONLY pure nutrition for your skin. As there are no preservatives, it is sold in 30 day supply bottles to remain fresh. Try them out for yourself with our sample pack. You also can save money and time by signing up for your skin care to be auto-shipped to you every month.

Have you tried our skincare? What is holding you back?

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